Haptics: A Multimedia Perspective

报告题目:Haptics: A Multimedia Perspective

报告人:Prof. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik(加拿大渥太华大学电子工程与计算机科学学院)



  Almost a century ago, many memories of a person were virtually lost as soon as the remembered person left the space and time of their loved ones. Only a few decades later, thanks to advances in audio and visual research and development, recording such memories finally became possible. Through the advances in multimedia technology such as photographic image technology and audio recordings, and much later, video cameras, and DVDs, we gained the ability to see into the past much better than our biological memories would allow. These media have facilitated the recovery of memories, and many of us now sometimes sit around the old picture album to reflect and remember the nice memories we have of our loved ones. Would it not be exciting to be able to restore the smell, touch and hug of remembered ones whenever we desired their affection? Would it not be interesting to share our parents’ affections for us with our children, along with their picture and audio recordings, even after they have passed away? Would it not be interesting to recall past physical affection memories from our childhood? These ideas have triggered a new direction in research concerned with recording, storing, retrieving, and playing back haptic stimuli to bring our memories with far or lost loved ones; this is what we call haptic as a new media!
  Multimedia haptics involves integrating and coordinating the presentation of haptic and other types of media in the multimedia application. Generally, multimedia system consists of media acquisition or creation, content authoring, and transmission and consumption components. The potential of haptics as a new media is quite significant for many applications such as tele-presence, tele-learning, tele-medicine, tele-operation in hazardous environments, industrial design and testing, medicine, gaming, and any related interactive virtual reality application. In this Talk we will give an overview of haptic from a multimedia perspective and discuss some research issues and address some challenges.

  Abdulmotaleb El Saddik,渥太华大学科研主席,电子工程与计算机科学学院教授,国际公认的对多媒体计算、通讯及应用领域,特别是对触觉的数字化、通讯和安全具有杰出贡献的著名科学家。
  2009年,美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE) 授予Abdulmotaleb El Saddik 博士IEEE院士荣誉称号(IEEE Fellow)以表彰其在多媒体计算领域所作出的卓越贡献。同年,Abdulmotaleb El Saddik博士荣获加拿大国家工程院院士(Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering)称号,并于次年获得加拿大国家工程研究院院士(Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada)称号。美国计算协会(ACM)也对其工作给予高度评价,并在2010年授予其ACM杰出科学家奖 (The 2010 Association of Computing Machinery Distinguished Scientist Award)。其后,美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)也授予其仪器与测量学会的最高奖项–2010年IEEE仪器与测量学会技术奖(The 2010 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurements Society Technical Award)。
  Abdulmotaleb El Saddik教授现任加拿大渥太华大学“多媒体通信研究实验室(MCRLab)”和“分布式协同虚拟环境研究实验室(DISCOVER)”主任, TOMCCAP和IEEE TCIAIG副主编,担任多家IEEE学报和期刊的客座编辑以及ACM MM 2008的大会主席,是触觉、面向服务的架构、协作环境、互动媒体和通信研究的引导者。 Abdulmotaleb El Saddik博士长期以来在多个IEEE和ACM的技术方案委员会任职,曾担任过超过25个关于协作hapto视听环境,多媒体通信和仪器仪表与测量的国际会议及研讨会的大会主席及技术委员会主席,撰写并合作撰写了三本专著和发表相关科研论文350多篇。Abdulmotaleb El Saddik博士现已累计获得总额超过1600万美元的研究经费,并领导加拿大90多个研究人员从事相关领域的科研工作。