报告题目:Urban Computing with City Dynamics
报告内容:Urban computing is emerging as a concept where every sensor, device, person, vehicle, building, and street in the urban areas can be used as a component to probe city dynamics to further enable city-wide computing for serving people and their cities. Urban computing aims to enhance both human life and urban environment smartly through a recurrent process of sensing, mining, understanding, and improving. Urban computing also aims to deeply understand the nature and sciences behind the phenomenon occurring in urban spaces, using a variety of heterogeneous data sources reflecting city dynamics, such as traffic flows, human mobility, geographic and map data, environment, energy consumption, populations, and economics. In this talk, we will present our recent research on urban computing with city dynamics, introducing innovative application scenarios and the technology for integrating and mining heterogeneous city dynamics, such as, finding smart driving directions based on taxi trajectories, identify different functional regions (e.g., residential and commercial areas) in urban spaces using both POIs and human mobility, gleaning the problematic city configurations, and anomaly detection in road traffic flows (these examples have been published in top-tier conferences and journals recently, such as KDD, UbiComp, ICDE).
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郑宇, 微软亚洲研究院主管研究员,IEEE和ACM资深会员。主要从事基于位置的服务、轨迹数据挖掘、地理信息系统和普适计算等。近年来他在SIGMOD、KDD、ICDE、AAAI、WWW和TKDE等顶尖国际会议和刊物上发表论文50余篇,并三次获得最佳论文奖和一次最佳论文提名。他拥有20项美国/国际发明专利申请和三项技术转化奖。同时,他还是4个国际学术期刊的编委,并先后在ICDE、KDD、UbiComp、IJCAI等三十多个国际会议中担任过程序委员会委员资深委员或主席。他主持的研究项目先后多次受到MIT Technology Review等权威媒体的报道。他曾多次受邀前往MIT、CMU、UIUC、康乃尔等顶尖学府讲学。由他主编的《Computing with Spatial Trajectories》一书已被多个国家的高校采乃为教材。2008年他被评为Microsoft Golden Star。