报告题目:Parallel-Split Shadow Maps for Large-scale Virtual Environments
报告人:Sun Hanqiu(Professor, 香港中文大学)
Shadowing effects dramatically enhance the realism of virtual environments by providing useful visual cues. Shadow mapping is efficient and general applicable for real-time applications, but suffers from the inherent aliasing errors due to the image-based nature. We present the Parallel-Split Shadow Maps (PSSMs) scheme, which splits the view frustum into different parts and then generates multiple smaller shadow maps for the split parts. A fast and robust split strategy based on the analysis of shadow map aliasing is proposed, which produces a moderate aliasing distribution over the whole depth range. By applying the geometry approximation to the split parts instead of the whole scene, the tighter bounding shapes of visible objects enhance the utilization of shadow maps. Our system utilizes hardware acceleration for the extra rendering passes when synthesizing the scene shadows. Our approach is intuitive without using complex data structures and supports real-time performance for large-scale and dynamic virtual environments. We further work on generalized perspective reparameterization in shadow mapping to reduce perspective aliasing errors and keep the linear perspective aliasing distribution in general cases, while the light and viewing directions are not orthogonal in dynamic virtual environments.
Sun Hanqiu (孙汉秋)-Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong
- UGC Direct Grant for Research 2009/2011 (fundable RGC Earmarked), “Efficient Image/Video based Large-Scale Displays”, $62,000
- National 973 Major Research Grant 2009/2013, “Fundamental Research and Techniques in Augmented Reality”, RMB$32,000,000.00,
- (Co-PI: Interactive Hybrid Worlds)UGC Direct Grant for Research 2010/2012 (fundable RGC Earmarked), “Dynamic Soft-fabric Interactions and Simulation”, $91,983.5
- RGC Earmarked Grant, “Interactive Natural-Texture Modeling and Synthesis”, (plus CUHK top-up fund), 2011/2014, $1,129,350
- RGC Earmarked Grant, “Realistic Soft-fabrics Interacting with Augmented Fluids Phenomena”, (plus CUHK top-up fund), 2012/2015, $520,000
近三年的荣誉: - “Woman of the Year 2011”, selected by the American Biographical Institute, Board of International Research, 2011.
- “The Director General’s Leadership Award”, selected by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, 2011.
- Visit Professor at State Key Lab. of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, 2000/2002.
- ** 1st runner up Award** in postgraduate paper contest (supervisor), IEEE Computational Intelligence of Hong Kong, 2012.
- Selected Research Project Report by online ACM TechNews, August 8, 2012.
- Two joint **973 National Research Projects **(Co-PI) in Virtual Reality 2003/2007, Augmented Reality 2009/2013.